Their seafaring skills, offensive fighting style and frost magic spread fear among the coastline villages they pillage. Lead by their Ice Queens, they embark on frequent raids in warmer lands.

The Necromancer creates spectacular undead units, such as the Bone Collector, a crablike monstrosity which eats corpses to strengthen itself.

Endless Legend came along later in the year and while I think it's a more impressive achievement, its similarities to Age Of Wonders don't run as deep as you might imagine at first glance. In fact, given the competition it’s going to have as the year goes on, it’s an additional reason to believe that we might be heading for that golden age right now. Here's how I concluded.Īge of Wonders III could have been constructed in the golden age of turn-based strategy. Almost a year has passed and I wanted to re-evaluate my own judgement. I reinstalled the base game and its first expansion last week, having barely played it since release. You'll also find a full feature list, including new races, specialisations, items, rules, features and "cosmic events". There's a short video below in which people ride polar bears and a spooky sphinx shoots fireballs out of its eyes. It definitely sounds like an Expansion, with a capital E rather than a capital D, L and C, and call me old-fashioned but I fondly remember the days when such things were an event. I don't own a boxed copy of Age of Wonders III but I'd be tempted to buy a chunky great container for the newly announced expansion.